The most progressive enterprises across the world are engaging Value Stream Management (VSM) practices. This Flow Essentials workshop – one of our Spotlight services – is an interactive, deep-dive, one-day workshop that equips executives and teams with the knowledge to adopt a flow mindset and embrace the flow principles essential to Value Stream Management. The workshop introduces you to DORA and Flow Metrics and the frameworks that help you gain insights across the value stream. It explains how the Framework provides information in a language that all stakeholders in an organisation can understand, allowing informed, organisation-wide, data-based decisions to accelerate flow of customer value. The business will have greater clarity to consider its investments and the engineering teams will have the metrics they need to allocate their resources between technical improvements, feature delivery, risks and quality. It also focus leaders' minds on how to innovate and deliver products and services faster and with higher quality.
Who will benefit
- Technology leaders will learn how to structure software value streams to accelerate the flow of value to customers
- Product engineering teams will learn to use their knowledge of Agile, Lean and DevOps, combined with empirical improvement to accelerate flow
- Leaders will learn to take a holistic view of each value stream, to optimise flow from product inception to the customer and how to focus larger improvement initiatives in the right places for maximum benefit
- Contributors within a value stream and leaders who support delivery will play a critical role in delivering desired business outcomes by establishing feedback loops for continuous improvement
Learning outcomes
- What a contemporary value stream looks like
- How to organise teams around value to improve flow
- Techniques to visualise your value streams
- How to measure the value delivered to customers through a value stream
- Understanding the different types of work in a value stream
- How work flows to customers and how business value flows through customers
- How to identify the bottlenecks preventing flow
- How to prioritise resources between technical improvements, feature delivery, risks and quality
- How to use metrics to make experiments in delivery
- How metrics enable informed, organisation-wide, data-based decisions to accelerate flow of customer value
- Why delays in your process are more important than how busy your teams are
- How to avoid local optimisations and focus improvements where they have the biggest impact
- How to fund value streams to move from project to product